Assistant Professor - field of Physics, subarea of Astrophysics and Cosmology
Organisation/Company: Universidade de Coimbra
Department: SGRH - DRGC
Research Field: Other
Researcher Profile: Other Profession Positions Ph
D Positions
Country: Portugal
Application Deadline: 7 Apr 2025 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)
Type of Contract: Permanent
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number: IT136-25-14989
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description
I publicly announce that, by my order issued at the date of signature of this notice, an international tender for one position of teaching career statute in the category of Assistant Professor in the field of Physics, subarea of Astrophysics and Cosmology, is hereby open for 30 working days following the publication of the present notice in Diário da República [Official Journal of the Portuguese Republic]. The stated position will be held under a public service employment contract of unspecified duration at the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Coimbra.
This international tender shall be conducted pursuant to the Estatuto da Carreira Docente Universitária [University Teaching Career Statute] in its latest version, hereinafter referred to as ECDU, and the Regulamento de Recrutamento e Contratação de Pessoal Docente da Universidade de Coimbra [Regulation on the Recruitment and Hiring of Teaching Staff of the University of Coimbra] hereinafter referred to as RRCPDUC, Regulation Nr. 330/2016, of 29 March, as well as further applicable legislation.
I – Reference and Place of Work:
I. 1. Public tender reference: IT136-25-14989.
I. 2. Place of work: University of Coimbra, Department of Physics of the Faculty of Science and Technology.
II – Admission Requirements:
II. 1. Applicants shall be at least 18 years old, not be inhibited to holding a job in the public sector, nor forbidden to perform the intended position; applicants shall also be in good health and possess the psychological profile required for the job and shall meet the compulsory vaccination requirements.
II. 2. To be, on the date of the deadline for submitting applications, holder of a doctorate degree in the area or in any of the disciplinary areas for which the tender is open, or in a related area that, complemented with the scientific path, show the ability to work centrally the tender is open.
III – Application
III. 1. Submission: Candidates must access and register on the electronic platform apply. uc. pt, to submit the application, selecting the procedure to which they intend to apply.
The documents included in the application are exclusively in digital portable document format (pdf), with the exception of the documents referred in III. 2. 4. and III. 2. 6. , which can be delivered in other digital formats.
III. 2. Mandatory documents:
III. 2. 1. Curriculum Vitae, duly dated and signed, either in Portuguese or English language. Personal data, worthy of protection under the General Data Protection Regulation, must appear on a separate page from the rest of the information in the Curriculum Vitae.
The Curriculum Vitae shall include a foreword with the description, if any, of all the candidate's employment relationships with higher education institutions up to the date of the application and the respective periods, identifying the category held, the nature of the employment relationship, the subject area(s) and the higher education institutions where the candidate has worked, explaining precisely the employment relationship held at the date of the application.
III. 2. 4. Document in which the candidate identifies the 5 scientific results or activities that they consider to represent their most significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the disciplinary subarea(s) the tender is open to.
III. 3. All application documents above indicated in III. 2. shall be submitted in either Portuguese or English, exception made to those mentioned in III. 2. 6. and III. 2. 7. , which may be submitted in a different language.
IV – Selection methods and criteria
IV. 1. Selection Methods: CV Assessment (50%) + Public Hearing (50%) + Approval on Absolute Merit (qualification criterion).
IV. 2. Selection criteria for both CV Assessment and Public Hearing are scientific performance and pedagogical skills of the candidates.
IV. 3. Each member of the jury assigns, in each of the selection methods, Curricular Assessment and Public Hearing, to each candidate admitted and who meets the minimum requirement of absolute merit, a score in accordance with what is defined in IV. 2.
V – Selection Process
V. 1. Preliminary meeting: The jury decides on the admission of applications and on whether or not to hold a Public Hearing.
VI – Ranking and voting methods:
VI. 1. After the debate on the candidates towards establishing a final deliberation about the ranking, each member of the Selection Committee will present a written document, which will be attached to the meeting minutes with their individual ranking proposal, based on the selection criteria and evaluation parameters stated in this Public Notice.
VII — Notification of candidates
VII. 1. All acts of the procedure are published on the Apply UC electronic platform during the course of the procedure. The candidates are notified by public notice of the following acts: the list of approved and excluded candidates.
Chairman: Edmundo Heitor da Silva Monteiro, Full Professor and Director of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra
Committee members:
Débora Peres Menezes, Full Professor at the University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Pedro Gil Ferreira, Professor at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Mar Bastero-Gil, Full Professor at the University of Granada, Spain
Miguel Ângelo Pignatelli de Avillez Nunes Pereira, Coordinating Researcher at the University of Évora
José António de Carvalho Paixão, Full Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra
Maria Isabel Silva Ferreira Lopes, Full Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Coimbra.
Informações detalhadas sobre a oferta de emprego
Empresa: Euraxess Localização: Coimbra
Coimbra, Coimbra District, PortugalPublicado: 15. 3. 2025
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